some impressions from my photographic jurney
Ulla Born
Foto Markus Bronold
IMAGINE - Interview mit Ulla Born
Leica Galerie Düsseldorf
Nach einer längeren Pause hat es mich diesmal zur Leica Galerie nach Düsseldorf gezogen. Ich freu mich auf das Tischgespräch mit Ulla Born, Fotografin und Galeristin.
Wir reden über Fotografie, über Ausstellungen, Künstler und auch über die aktuelle Ausstellung mit Donata Wenders.
[Direkt zum Interview mit Ulla Born]
[Leica Galerie Düsseldorf] | [Donata Wenders]
Jean Janssis
I encountered Jean last year in Arles and was impressed by his portraits and in particular these wonderful printing technique that fits so perfectly.
Organic Portraits on an organic material. Wonderful.
I shot these portraits live when I had the chance to meet Jean near Liege during a discussion about photography with Michael Bohn.
Francis - Künstler
Out of nowhere I decided to take portraits of "old man". I find these faces always wonderful and talking endless stories.
I like to start with Francis who is a wonderful artist himself and who had the idea to create a Museum for Modern Art [] where I also had the priviledge to shoot him.
What a creative man and lovely person. It was so much fun.
More to come.
Playing around with Rembrandt light. In particular I have setup a higly mobile set composed of:
- Fujifilm XT5 & XF50mmf2
- 2x Godox V1
- 2x Profoto Mobild Softboxes
- White Reflector
- Balack Backround
I was shooting with a professional Model when she asked me if we can go back in studio and shoot those "artistic nudes".
So we did and beeing creative together and discovering the results is often surprising and for the model becoming a "pice of art" is a wonderful moment.
Short Stories
Inspired by my SWAN fellow colleague Hans Krum I am reviewing my portrait work. His portfolio was inspiring me to review my work based on sensual, kind of dreamy flowting video images.
I call this set sort stories as they express some emotions in small 30 second snippets.
Here some making off images from that shooting.
All my thanks and respect to the model who was open to be creative and engaged.
In natural light
I recently updated my sensual work performed with Irina in 2021 on location in natural light.
Working with nudity is working with respect mutual confidence and trust. From my point if view it is also more complex to find a good balance between feminity, sensualty and expression and good taste. But all of this is very indivudal.
All in natural light without Photoshop or any other artificials.
See also my portfolio
PARIS La Défence
We just arrived at la défence in Paris moved strait to the arche for a photo exhibition. It was cold and while hurrying I got some shots with my Fujifilm X100V.
I am always impressed by the quality of this little body and the beauty of having one single focal lens.
Exhibition "Paparazzi de A a Z" by Daniel Angeli..
Light Painting
Painting with light. This is the moment when you have planned to do portraits under a cloudy sky and suddenly the full sun hits the studio window. This light is suddenly so harsh that the model can't hardly look into it.
You must swith instantly from soft light to full hard sunlight, change your instructions, guide the model and protect her from the sun while bringing her back to the light.
When you got it right you have a story.
I also preferred to keep her in colour as the skin structure and freckles shows a complex and beautiful face.
Thanks Lena.
Photo Popup Fair
Impressions from the Photo Popup Fair in Düsseldorf presented by Wolfgang Sohn and shot with my X100V.
Man very cool prints, creative ideas, ready to be sold and the artists are present and open to exchange. Great!
As a SWAN Fine Art Magazine Artist (Ausgabe 08) it was a pleasure observing and discussing with Michel Lübke while taking Portraits in the "Black box" .
Only running until 04/06
Webinar mit Bob Sala exklusiv für die Abonenten des SWAN Magazines [hier].
und dabei einige ganz gute Fotografen und ein tolles Redaktionsteam.
Hat Spaß gemacht.
My ideas and recommendations about the SWAN Fine Art Magazine as a reader, a follower and featured photographer and whe you should go for it.
Video in German.
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